mardi 20 juillet 2021

Instagram@same_skymeme_ciel Incredible world of pocket paintings /sharing our visions and emotions, seeing differently and reflecting visually individually and together


Same sky/Même ciel, Pandemic project/ exhibition Leslie Greene and Duwenavue Johnson

Sharing, exploring, seeing in new ways, reflection, explosion, these uncertain days, changing our ways....

Pocket painting project:

1600 Pocket paintings attached to a 180 CM black cirular structure, suspended by a pulley sytem from the chapel ceiling beams!


Paintings made during the same period are installed. I find they are similar to stained glass windows in this context.

The globe, its roundness made of strands of pocket paintings, so imaginative and individually unique, diversity unified in a magnificent sphere. 
I am grateful for this collective takeover!

Rose in its suspended garden

Aerial view! 

jeudi 7 janvier 2021

Circles as holes/cells/planets: Collages/30 cm x 30 cm

Fabric with wood rubbing and paper with holes cut out.


Paintings 2020


We had an exhibition in August 2020, and then...the Stay@home pandemic....



2 artists collaborate during LOCKDOWN

Duwenavue Johnson Inspires me!

I cut holes out of watercolors, like cells or fragments and mailed her circles to respond to.

Duwenavue went to New Mexico and had some young assistants to help play in the enviroment.

On my allotted one hour confinement walk I put my circles in my pocket and installed them in spots that called to me.

And Duwenavue installed fragments in the desert.

I cut holes in a canvas and found a new way to watch the sunrise.

D continued the exploration of geometry and color in our enviroments.

A way of seeing anew, taking whats made in the studio and stepping out in the world with a piece, to place in the world, 

He named them POCKET PAINTINGS!! Yes!

D was back in SF and thinking about BLM

I returned to Paris for a week.

She went to the beach.

I went to the canal ST Martin.

We continued our exchange into the autumn.

Pocket paintings galore!

Inthe city, wherever we went we shared images of what we were making together within the constraints of a pandemic. It gave us hope, to play with colors, geometry and our world.

A universe.

And we are continuing until our Installation/exhiibition in the chapel Sainte Lucie in the village Mirmande next July 2021, and the exhibition will travel to The Jones Institute in San Francisco in September.